Nxt school project

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Nxt school project

Post by nxxtra »


Sorry if my english is bad:p

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who would be interested in helping me with a school project. I am not good at all at programming my nxt robot.
Our task is to build a robot that can drive around and find bricks in two different colors (blue and yellow) and deliver them one at a time to their correct place depending on which color the have.
Anyone got some ideas of how to program it? The robot uses 3 light sensors and two motors. 2 of the light sensors face down, reading different lines (black) and one facing forward reading the color of the brick.
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Joined: 19 Oct 2011, 14:12

Re: Nxt school project

Post by nxxtra »

I'm using NXT-G software
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Joined: 30 Oct 2010, 04:10

Re: Nxt school project

Post by timpattinson »

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