Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Discussion specific to the intelligent brick, sensors, motors, and more.
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Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Post by soylentred »

Ok so I think that the NXT hardware is lacking quite a bit, in terms of features (like com ports, external power) and performance (cpu speed, flash/memory). I know it's a cost issue, so I heard about this thing that may be actually pretty useful, and turn the NXT into a practically a full computer:
The "LPCXpresso": a tiny circuit board that contains the following:
-ARM Cortex-M3 120mhz processor
-512kb flash
-64kb ram (SRAM)
-ethernet interface
-USB interface, also multiple UART, I2C, SPI, SSP, CAN, PWM...among others.
Also, PWM support for three-phase motor control, reduced power modes (like sleep), integrated JTAG debugger.

Sounds expensive? It's $30. Thirty US dollars. And the whole thing is 35 x 140 mm in size. :shock:

Link to product page: http://www.lpctools.com/lpc1768.lpcxpresso.aspx
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Re: Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Post by mightor »

Now all you now need:
  • A screen (plus controller)
  • Motor controllers
  • Sensor + Motor interfaces for the cables
  • Buttons
  • Power source
  • A case to hold it all in
  • A firmware
  • An easy to use programming environment suitable for kids of 10+
Still reckon you can make all that for < $100 :)

I'd say go for something like the Raspberry Pi or one of the Google ADK board with the new Mindsensors NXshields. If you have a HTC Sensation, for example, you have a dual core 1.something GHz computer with more RAM and storage than you can shake a stick at, an accelerometer, gyro, gps, wifi bt and beautiful touch screen. Most people already have a smart phone nowadays, you just need to leverage it :)

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Re: Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Post by soylentred »

Well, yes, I was only referring to the "brain" of the unit. Obviously you still need the screen and buttons and all that, and I'm sure Lego can figure that out. My point is that the current NXT is severely underpowered and lacks many basic features.
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Re: Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Post by mightor »

There's a lot of stuff I'd love to see improved on the NXT, too. Don't forget, though, there are a lot of after-market accessories for the NXT that can provide you with a lot of the functionality that is lacking in the standard brick.

Hopefully someone from LEGO will read this!

- Xander
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Re: Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Post by hassenplug »

mightor wrote:Hopefully someone from LEGO will read this!
They don't read these forums. They rely on some of their more advanced users to convey the comments.
soylentred wrote:Ok so I think that the NXT hardware is lacking quite a bit, in terms of features (like com ports, external power) and performance (cpu speed, flash/memory).
I've often seen comments like this. My normal reply is this: What are you trying to do with the NXT, that you can't do?

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Re: Hey Lego: my recommendation for the next NXT

Post by doc222 »

Much of what was not easy to do ; adding motor ports and sensor ports is a thing of the past now. One brick can with third party items add as many motors as one could need and enough sensors as well. Many new third parts things seem to come out all the time too. They are rather inexpensive and modular so one can add them one or a few at a time keeping cost down . Unless you are making video games on the nxt( and fact is one could just do that on a PC) from what i have seen done with Nxt(excepting one that flies that is not lighter than air ship) there is not to much that can not be done with Lego, much of the fun is attempting to do with what you have, its the limits of the system its self that keep people tinkering away for years. Now I am not saying Lego should do nothing and just sit on the hands, new things would be nice as well. But it is intended for rather young children too. Thats is something many lose site over. Nxt has been with us a rather long time now, makes me wonder what and when they come up withthe next NXT?

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