Search found 2 matches
- 09 Jan 2013, 15:19
- Forum: Mindstorms Software
- Topic: software options??
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3220
software options??
OK, I wanted to use my R-Pi with some sort of breadboard to control a NXT robot and sensors, but I think that might be the wrong way to go? My original aim was to learn programming and a bit of electronics at the same time which I thought the above would do, but it looks like that might be quite dif...
- 07 Jan 2013, 08:51
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Hi everyone
- Replies: 1
- Views: 27381
Hi everyone
Just thought Id pop in to say Hi :D I have been a NXT owner for 2 days now, it was a impulse buy when I saw one on sale near me so I snapped it up in a fit of lego nostalgia, and some vague idea that I must be able to make it work with a Raspberry-PI somehow as I have just had two of those delivered...