Probably your are thinking in NXC, isn't it? Have you test it under Wine?
Here you can find a lot of IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Linux
But only in case you are looking for an IDE for any NXT language, you have several possibilities for Lejos, like Eclipse.
Search found 5 matches
- 26 Oct 2010, 17:49
- Forum: Mindstorms Software
- Topic: Any GUI software for NXT programming in Linux?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 8491
- 12 Oct 2010, 10:44
- Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
- Topic: hitechnic experimenters kit
- Replies: 12
- Views: 25683
- 03 Oct 2010, 11:56
- Forum: Mindstorms Software
- Topic: Smalltalk
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6670
Re: Smalltalk
Thank you for moving it here, John.
- 01 Oct 2010, 20:27
- Forum: Open Discussion
- Topic: Plans/Need for other languages also?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 19852
Re: Plans/Need for other languages also?
Oops. Sorry! 

- 30 Sep 2010, 14:31
- Forum: Open Discussion
- Topic: Plans/Need for other languages also?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 19852
Re: Plans/Need for other languages also?
First of all, thanks for the new forum :) Smalltalk would be wonderful. I'm trying to use nxtalk without success :( I think Smalltalk is the best tool to teach in a "clean" and easy way: object orientation, reflexion, domain specific languages (i think it will be very powerful to robot pro...