Search found 83 matches

by sparramc
11 Jan 2014, 20:12
Forum: BrickPi
Topic: Raspberry Pi Camera with Replacable Lens
Replies: 8
Views: 81237

Re: Raspberry Pi Camera with Replacable Lens

Hi doc-helmut, It's early days for the Pi Camera. I suggest that by visiting the and downloading the later copies of ' The MagPi ' magazine, where you will find articles on using the Pi Camera. Issue 17 has a nice article on the BrickPi. Also there is a CameraPi articles as well. The bo...
by sparramc
11 Jan 2014, 13:15
Forum: BrickPi
Topic: Raspberry Pi Camera with Replacable Lens
Replies: 8
Views: 81237

Re: Raspberry Pi Camera with Replacable Lens

Hi doc-helmut, I have ordered one of these camera to use with my Pi's. Initially I will be relying on a lot of 'Google-ing' I image. That said, listed below is some data from the website which may be of interest. As mattallen37 states, all the 'Robotics Related Image' processing is ...
by sparramc
04 Jan 2014, 14:49
Forum: BrickPi
Topic: Raspberry Pi Camera with Replacable Lens
Replies: 8
Views: 81237

Raspberry Pi Camera with Replacable Lens

I came across this Raspberry Pi Camera. The board itself is tiny, at around 36mm x 36mm. The highlight of our module is that the Lens is replaceable compared to official one, making it perfect for mobile or other applications where size and image quality are important. The camera is supported in the...
by sparramc
07 Dec 2013, 03:38
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: EV3 'C' Maths
Replies: 9
Views: 29568

Re: EV3 'C' Maths

:P Thanx Guys for all your help!

I discovered that the 'Makefile Template' read:

Code: Select all

Adding '-lm' to the end of the LDFLAGS Statement:

Code: Select all

LDFLAGS=-Wl,-R/media/card/lib -lm
Solved my problems...

But I have to still use:

Code: Select all

#include <math.h>
by sparramc
06 Dec 2013, 02:00
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: EV3 'C' Maths
Replies: 9
Views: 29568

Re: EV3 'C' Maths

Make sure you link with -lm :) = Xander Hi Xander, Remember I'm somewhat thicker than most..... I've had linked with 'Project Manager' : I:\BricxCC\API\ev3_lcd.h I:\BricxCC\API\ev3_timer.h I:\BricxCC\API\ev3_command.h I:\BricxCC\API\ev3_output.h and added '#include <math.h>', but still resulting wi...
by sparramc
05 Dec 2013, 02:38
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: EV3 3rd Party Hardware C Driver 'lib' for Linux executables
Replies: 0
Views: 11335

EV3 3rd Party Hardware C Driver 'lib' for Linux executables

Hi All,

Is anyone working on a EV3 3rd Party Hardware C Driver 'lib' for Linux executables? If so, where can I find it?

In particular, at this time I would like to be able to use the Mindsensors Sony PlayStation 2 Controller interface.

I am very willing to help Beta test such a Driver Suite.
by sparramc
05 Dec 2013, 02:09
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: EV3 'C' Maths
Replies: 9
Views: 29568

EV3 'C' Maths

Hi all, I'm having issues getting my little-grey-cells around the following Trig Function Errors from my EV3 'C' Code: holonomic.c: In function 'Holonomic': holonomic.c:64: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'cos' holonomic.c:68: warning: incompatible implicit declaratio...
by sparramc
03 Dec 2013, 01:46
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: EV3 InfraRed Sensor and Hi-Technic IR-Ball
Replies: 3
Views: 14301

Re: EV3 InfraRed Sensor and Hi-Technic IR-Ball

Thanx Xander.

I assumed that would be the case. (Into the same basket as the majority of 3rd party Mindstorms add-on are put, by LEGO.)
by sparramc
22 Nov 2013, 12:22
Forum: Mindstorms Projects
Topic: Computer Vision project.
Replies: 1
Views: 25548

Re: Computer Vision project.

Hi chiodo, I suggest you look into LeJOS JAVA , as you will have access to the ready made Vision Libraries. Gloomy Andy should be able to pint you in the relevant direction.... See if you can lay your hands on a copy of Maximum LEGO NXT: Building Robots with Java Brains and/or Intelligence Unleashed...
by sparramc
22 Nov 2013, 12:11
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXT Trains Program
Replies: 2
Views: 9929

Re: NXT Trains Program

Have you checked out any of the dedicated LEGO Train Forums for code, as I'm sure that would be a good start for you?