Search found 8 matches

by alex-kolotov
24 Dec 2013, 06:07
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Creation of my own blocks for EV3 software
Replies: 0
Views: 10302

Creation of my own blocks for EV3 software

Hi, We know that HiTechnic company presented ability to use their sensors with EV3 software on EV3 brick. It means that they know how to create EV3 blocks for this software. Do you know about any instructions available in the Internet learning how to create 3rd party blocks for EV3 software? -- Alex...
by alex-kolotov
18 Sep 2012, 10:38
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G
Replies: 13
Views: 27943

Re: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G

I don't know anything for sure, and I dont own NXT-G 2.0 and sorry if I didn't understand everything of what you wrote quite correctly. But my guess now is the following: maybe NXT-G has got a code optimizer like C compilers have. Because the USS values are never displayed or used in another way in...
by alex-kolotov
18 Sep 2012, 06:00
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G
Replies: 13
Views: 27943

Re: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G

But what I actually wanted to express is that this is not the "real" update interval of the USS , which is 17 ms minimal (limited by mathematics) and maybe 50ms maximal (limited by USS firmware). The i2c bus speed is maybe even far faster but will never get faster "real readings"...
by alex-kolotov
17 Sep 2012, 05:51
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G
Replies: 13
Views: 27943

Re: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G

You know, I have already did such testing yesterday. I didn't see much difference here. What I put in the loop: store loop counter in a variable, and used the switch block instead of "recieve data" block for US sensor. I also tried to display the sensor value in another test. So, the maxim...
by alex-kolotov
16 Sep 2012, 16:48
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G
Replies: 13
Views: 27943

strange behavior of US sesnor in NXT-G

Hi, 2 years ago I already tried calculate performance of US sensor in NXT-G and got quite expectable results. It was somthing about 17 iterations per second. I don't recall exactly what version of NXT and FW was used at that time. Today I tried to execute the same test case. I prepared the following...
by alex-kolotov
16 Sep 2012, 09:39
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXC: code optimization - what and how?
Replies: 4
Views: 9020

Re: NXC: code optimization - what and how?

Level 0 does nothing. Level 1 removes unused functions and perhaps does other stuff too. Can you clarify what functions you are talking about? Is it user's functions declared but not used or system functions? On the latest test_release (Sept, 9th) I see the following behavior: Quite simple program:...
by alex-kolotov
25 May 2012, 17:04
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: [poll] What language do you use?
Replies: 6
Views: 12748

Re: [poll] What language do you use?

Previously I used NXT-G and NXC a lot. But I had to get familiar with RobotC and LabView recently. So, for now I cannot say that use the last ones most often, at the same time I see that sometimes it could be quite useful to use LabView. It has standard way to execute programs on PC and has ability ...
by alex-kolotov
21 May 2012, 21:11
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXC API for RobotC Virtual Worlds
Replies: 1
Views: 5765

NXC API for RobotC Virtual Worlds

Hi, Let me introduce my very simple project nxc4rvw (NXC API for RobotC Virtual Worlds) . The intent of this project is to allow people who used to program on NXC playing with RobotC Virtual World. It also could be useful for newbies who decide that RobotC is diffic...