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by physics-matt
07 Jul 2011, 19:33
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Saving images in NXTCamView
Replies: 1
Views: 7176

Saving images in NXTCamView

Hi all, Nice to be getting the Lego out of the cupboard again after a long break. Feels like everyone will probably know this, but I haven't found it documented anywhere so I thought I'd mention it: I've just discovered that if you capture an image in NXTCamView (the software for the NXTCam) and the...
by physics-matt
14 Dec 2010, 16:55
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Is this possible?
Replies: 24
Views: 46319

Re: Is this possible?

Since there is only 1 "Port 4", I don't see how could connect more than 2 NXT's via RS-485 You don't need a multiplexer, but you do need to be careful not to have more than one NXT send a message at any one time (as has already been mentioned). A bit of google searching will show you what...
by physics-matt
14 Dec 2010, 08:19
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Is this possible?
Replies: 24
Views: 46319

Re: Is this possible?

So, you're saying I can do something like this: [] = NXT -- = RS-485 __ = BT []-----[]_____[]------[]______[]--------[]_____[]-------[] The only problem with that approach is that each NXT can only talk to its neighbours. If you want one at one end to talk to one at the other end the message will h...
by physics-matt
13 Dec 2010, 08:03
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: LEGO Digital Designer
Replies: 19
Views: 52450

Re: LEGO Digital Designer

Cool. I'm impressed that it was so easy to get working in Linux. Even more impressed by the number of gears you appear to have fitted together! (still having some difficulties with gears in LDD myself) I think one of the most frustrating things about it will be the spurious parts missing from the in...
by physics-matt
12 Dec 2010, 10:16
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: LEGO Digital Designer
Replies: 19
Views: 52450

Re: LEGO Digital Designer

I recommend loading one of the robot models that comes with it (when the software starts, select the Mindstorms tab and you'll see three that you can load) and having a play. Try taking bits off and putting them back on again to get used to the way the software works. After that, I think it's just a...
by physics-matt
11 Dec 2010, 16:11
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: LEGO Digital Designer
Replies: 19
Views: 52450

Re: LEGO Digital Designer

The interface is really quite simple, nothing like LDraw, so in that respect there's not much of a learning curve. It's very reminiscent of NXT-G in the sense that it's pretty easy to pick up and use, just quite fiddly (and in some instances, downright infuriating!) to do more sophisticated things. ...
by physics-matt
10 Dec 2010, 18:27
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: LEGO Digital Designer
Replies: 19
Views: 52450

LEGO Digital Designer

Just wondering whether anyone else is using LDD now that it appears to have been improved rather dramatically? (for those not already familiar with it, LDD is a sort of CAD for LEGO. It's free software by LEGO, just google "ldd") It's still a bit flaky in places, but I managed to build my ...
by physics-matt
06 Dec 2010, 08:33
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Mindsensors mystery item, "Coming in Feb 2011"
Replies: 49
Views: 68035

Re: Mindsensors mystery item, "Coming in Feb 2011"

Well, I think by the very fact that nobody has gone through it in order to come back in time to tell us it's a wormhole generator (apart from Xander of course, but we all know he's a cyborg sent from the future anyway), we can rule that possibility out.

My best guess is a touch pad.

by physics-matt
06 Dec 2010, 08:19
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: pob-eye2, CMUcam3 or blackfin for lego nxt interfacing
Replies: 5
Views: 14296

Re: pob-eye2, CMUcam3 or blackfin for lego nxt interfacing

The NXTCam largely suffers from the fact that the ATmega chip it uses only has 1KB of RAM, which means it can't store an entire image in memory. This precludes the use of many good image processing algorithms. I've not used any of the other camera systems, but looking at the spec they do appear to b...
by physics-matt
29 Nov 2010, 22:04
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXC File commands
Replies: 8
Views: 19399

Re: NXC File commands You'll find the guide in the NXC Docs section. I could't find the old version of the NXC guide on the BricxCC site - before it became 2000 something pages of function definitions. I like the old version because I thought it had quite a lot more explanation in it ...