Search found 11 matches

by bazmati
29 Oct 2011, 05:05
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: remove broken datawire
Replies: 1
Views: 6060

remove broken datawire

getting error Broken datawire and can't figure out why program wont compile? there used to be a program to fix broken datawire on nxtasy any idea where can find it found it with credit and instructions here:
by bazmati
24 May 2011, 15:34
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: RS485 NXT-G Block
Replies: 62
Views: 100526

Re: RS485 NXT-G Block

that would explain why the Version has not changed (1.03) also about the other way to convert text to number -- i see his example as a tutorial on what it takes to convert text to number natively using NXT-G BTW for those wondering where to get that unique block -- i found it attached in this thread...
by bazmati
24 May 2011, 13:27
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: RS485 NXT-G Block
Replies: 62
Views: 100526

Re: RS485 NXT-G Block

I am very curious as to why it has been so long since we were told that version 2.0 of his block would come out tomorrow relative to that post, yet nearly two months later it is still yet to come out. Are you talking about Andy's High Speed link block or the text2number block? cuz just above i foun...
by bazmati
24 May 2011, 03:34
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: RS485 NXT-G Block
Replies: 62
Views: 100526

Re: RS485 NXT-G Block

haydenstudios wrote:I managed to work around this bug by converting the string into a number, and feeding that number into a tab viewed number switch block

you're a genius,,, that should solve my problem ... 1871860626
by bazmati
02 Feb 2011, 05:58
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: Steering help-how can i make a car steer?
Replies: 3
Views: 10754

Re: Steering help-how can i make a car steer?

use a ratchet system, car steers when it backs-up ...because one side of the wheels get locked when going reverse but not when going forward.
by bazmati
12 Nov 2010, 12:37
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: Getting the Lego NXT to run larger brushed DC motors???
Replies: 8
Views: 18152

Re: Getting the Lego NXT to run larger brushed DC motors???

How about using this where it says If you wish to connect regular DC motors to this - Connect DC motors to NXT You can connect regular DC motors (max 35 volts, 500 mA) to this MTRMX-Nx by attaching motor...
by bazmati
11 Nov 2010, 04:01
Forum: Robot Building
Topic: NXT System for Dog Flower Girl
Replies: 7
Views: 16943

Re: NXT System for Dog Flower Girl

5* for a fantastic project, I sure hope the dog goes for it, make sure this is well documented, even start filming the making of followed by the wedding. This could be a great video hit in the Mindstorms community. I really like the idea of DOG & NXT (i could put 4 NXT on my dog !o!) oh and mayb...
by bazmati
05 Oct 2010, 12:28
Forum: Mindstorms Projects
Topic: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(
Replies: 30
Views: 45224

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

I am very interested by your idea
Please contact me
by bazmati
29 Sep 2010, 00:49
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Color Sensor in FLL? When?
Replies: 5
Views: 13946

Re: Color Sensor in FLL? When?

I was going to say, perhaps it's because the Color Sensor is not yet available separately, it would limit it's use to those schools (or clubs) that have a retail NXT 2.0 kit. But a quick search show that this is not true as it is available now via LEGO Education! LEGO Education 9694 – New Color Se...
by bazmati
29 Sep 2010, 00:28
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: subscribe to forums
Replies: 5
Views: 13223

subscribe to forums

Hello, I'm new here (hehe), I was wondering if there is a way to stay tuned to new posts?... I see in my User Control Panel that I can manage subscription but i cannot figure out how to subscribe to new topics or forums sections. (beside the Notify me when a reply is posted check box found in Option...