Search found 33 matches

by ronmcrae
28 Feb 2012, 01:33
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: New MessageRead feature in the enhanced NBC/NXC firmware
Replies: 29
Views: 30361

Re: New MessageRead feature in the enhanced NBC/NXC firmware

Letting us limit the mailbox search to a single attached brick is great. It works well. I was able to eliminate a 0.3 second synchronization delay once I updated the FW and setup the 0x40 and 0x80 values to restrict the search for messages to one specific brick. This was one master with two slaves, ...
by ronmcrae
27 Jan 2012, 19:49
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXT-G: building a "state machine" problem
Replies: 2
Views: 8433

Re: NXT-G: building a "state machine" problem

First of all I want to compliment you on such a well commented program. It's not too often we see that these days! I think that in NXT-G V1.1 any STOP MOTOR block would indeed cause an active motor block on a separate rung to exit. But I don't think it works that way any longer in NXT-G V2.X. I'm su...
by ronmcrae
27 Jan 2012, 15:54
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: TextOut y value
Replies: 57
Views: 55757

Re: TextOut y value

The file font6x8.ric that Doc posted is the one that mimics the standard NXT font via a RIC. For some reason that file looks somewhat familiar to me. Use it to write text to any Y coordinate with something along the lines... task main() { while(true) { for (int y=56;y>0;y--) {FontTextOut(17,y, "...
by ronmcrae
26 Jan 2012, 18:45
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: TextOut y value
Replies: 57
Views: 55757

Re: TextOut y value

just wrote out the entire supported list of ASCII characters as bitmaps for RIC arrays so that I could use any y value I wanted. You did get your RIC array version to work on any Y pixel, right? I created a RIC font file that mimics the standard NXT font, but it can be written to any Y pixel using ...
by ronmcrae
08 Nov 2011, 20:43
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Error -1073807298 when updating the firmware
Replies: 14
Views: 24860

Re: Error -1073807298 when updating the firmware

I recently had one NXT that was stuck clicking in Samba mode. As far as getting firmware onto that brick, nothing I did worked, and I did at least all of what has been discussed above. Since the brick in question already had a dead screen (which was an older and separate problem) I returned it to LE...
by ronmcrae
01 Nov 2011, 14:34
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXT-G program: Sync point between PC and Robot
Replies: 3
Views: 8901

Re: NXT-G program: Sync point between PC and Robot

A low-tech option might be to have the color sensor on each robot. Set to light sensor mode it could detect the room light going on. So if you start all the programs with the room light off they could reset a timer when the room light comes on. As I say, low-tech, but probably a lot simpler than B/T...
by ronmcrae
31 Oct 2011, 20:53
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: SuperPro C
Replies: 5
Views: 14398

Re: SuperPro C

Gus has been creating a number of very cool demo programs for the SuperPro, one of which involves SPC code running on the SuperPro playing a song using the analog outputs and an NXC program running on the NXT setting a shared memory address via I2C to different values which causes the SPC program t...
by ronmcrae
28 Oct 2011, 19:36
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: SuperPro C
Replies: 5
Views: 14398

Re: SuperPro C

If there is a need to update the firmware on the SuperPro board, will that be done via BricxCC also?

Will the board firmware be opensource?

So many questions :)
by ronmcrae
23 Sep 2011, 16:16
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: How to write a Time Out, if a wait sensor just keeps waiting
Replies: 3
Views: 9726

Re: How to write a Time Out, if a wait sensor just keeps waiting

New to this and it's conceptually a little different than anything I've programmed in. So are you being required to use NXT-G for your project? There are a good number of language options and compilers for the NXT brick. This table gives a decent overview of the main programming options, though som...
by ronmcrae
22 Sep 2011, 21:36
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: How to write a Time Out, if a wait sensor just keeps waiting
Replies: 3
Views: 9726

Re: How to write a Time Out, if a wait sensor just keeps waiting

How would you use a timer to change the execution path, or work around it. Have you looked into logic variables in NXT-G? One option would be to define a logic variable. Set it to false at the start, and then make the loop that waits for the end condition exit once that variable becomes true. You'd...