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by hackenextees
08 Sep 2013, 16:47
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: trouble setting up NXC
Replies: 3
Views: 5469

Re: trouble setting up NXC

Once again, I have a computer problem. Now that I've moved the compiler to usr/local/bin/ as per the instructions on the Internet, I try to run it on the command line, as per the instructions, I get Bash: cannot execute binary file. Also, I can't open the file with oracle java 7 web start, even thou...
by hackenextees
06 Sep 2013, 00:16
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: trouble setting up NXC
Replies: 3
Views: 5469

Re: trouble setting up NXC

It seems to have worked! Thank you very much for your input.

by hackenextees
31 Aug 2013, 20:49
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: trouble setting up NXC
Replies: 3
Views: 5469

trouble setting up NXC

I'm new to Linux and newer to NXC and, i'm having trouble setting up NXC. I'm trying to move the nbc file to the usr/bin directory. When I try to do so the command line tells me either that there is no such file or directory, even though it's clearly in the downloads directory (the command line has ...
by hackenextees
14 Mar 2013, 16:49
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: new programmer in need of answers
Replies: 1
Views: 2848

new programmer in need of answers

Hi, I've been programming with NXT-G programming for five years and competing in first lego league and I want to learn more about computer programming and languages. Would RobotC or Lejos be the next logical step for me, seeing as i'm already familiar with the nxt? Also, are these languages hard to ...